Safeguarding Lubavitch Senior Girls' School
Safeguarding Lubavitch Junior Girls' School
Safeguarding Lubavitch Junior Boys' School
Lubavitch Multi Academy Trust is committed to supporting the emotional well- being of all pupils and staff.
Lubavitch is one of a number of Hackney school who have signed up to an new initiative entitled Wellbeing and Mental health in School (WAMHS) which intends to build capacity in schools in understanding and supporting emotional well- being.
In each school the following people can be approached
Senior Girls - Mrs Freeman or Mrs Gruber.
Primary Girls - Mrs Potash
Junior Boys - Mrs Poolat
Lubavitch Senior Girls' School recognises emotional well-being as a key factor in the overall success and development of the school and is committed to integrating and embedding an emotional wellbeing policy in the school which is integral to the teachings of Orthodox Judaism.